Built To Spill played to an overcrowded Rockefeller in Oslo last night. Lots of old hits and a few new ones. BTS have never been the most exciting live band, but they always deliver the goods. This show reminded me of the old days...
I remember seeing them for the first time in the summer of 1995... The dateless wonder that I was, I decided to go see them with a friend at the Sailors Union of the Pacific, a shitty short lived "club" in Seattle instead of going to prom. My friends who did go to prom, had a hotel room right down the street so we got loaded and headed to the show, almost not getting in because we were underage and intoxicated. Opening the show was this band I'd never heard of with a lead singer who I remember seemed kinda shy and looked a little strange. The band was called Heatmiser, the man was Elliott Smith. I bought a Heatmiser tape (anyone remember cassette tapes?) and "There is nothing wrong with love" cd. That cd is still one of my favorites, and probably my favorite Built To Spill record. I remember annoying my friends with playing "car" over and over again in the hotel room afterwards. The new Built To Spill record hasn't gotten all that great reviews, but I like what I've heard. Dough can still write some catchy tunes.
I remember seeing them for the first time in the summer of 1995... The dateless wonder that I was, I decided to go see them with a friend at the Sailors Union of the Pacific, a shitty short lived "club" in Seattle instead of going to prom. My friends who did go to prom, had a hotel room right down the street so we got loaded and headed to the show, almost not getting in because we were underage and intoxicated. Opening the show was this band I'd never heard of with a lead singer who I remember seemed kinda shy and looked a little strange. The band was called Heatmiser, the man was Elliott Smith. I bought a Heatmiser tape (anyone remember cassette tapes?) and "There is nothing wrong with love" cd. That cd is still one of my favorites, and probably my favorite Built To Spill record. I remember annoying my friends with playing "car" over and over again in the hotel room afterwards. The new Built To Spill record hasn't gotten all that great reviews, but I like what I've heard. Dough can still write some catchy tunes.
You can sample a new track (while you play hoops against Dough Martsch) here: http://www.builttospill.com/jams/
From "There is nothing wrong with love": Cleo