So this site has been neglected again, but I got an excuse.
2 records are ready for release within the next 1-3 weeks!
If you are in Oslo there will be a releaseparty at Gloria Flames on June 6th. The first record is out in a week and the other june 6th.
I've paid for planetickets for Crash Normal out of my own pocket. They are THAT great. The Intelligence are also playing as part of their Scandal-navia tour, pluss local dudes Bungalow Ranchstyle play AND myself (if I'm sober enough) and HJ aka (Team Antiharrs) will be spinning records between and after the bands.
This is gonna be a good show, so you should fly your ass up here to the great viking north.
It's also gonna be free! (or close to it) I'll be selling 7 inches and the bands will have some goodies too. And if that's not enough, it's my birthday (sort of) and Lars from Intelligence birthday (sort of) so it's sort of a birthday party as well.
No gifts are needed, but I will take your money. (Paper money only please)
I will also take other gifts that can be discussed at a later date. (No, not hookers and coke, but good guess)

That's it, you say? Well, NO! Crash Normal are doing a SECOND gig (free!) outside of Sound of Mu during the day on June 6th. It's a big "day of music" here that day, so it's a good day to be in Oslo as a music fan...or really as a human being.
If my liver survives the previous weekend (one week sucking down caprinas at Primavera Sound in Barcelona) this is gonna be the greatest weekend ever.
Be there or be □.