Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It's too fucking hot here to update this site.

Doing the Soft Bondage dj night at Mono Thursday.
Come and dance/buy me drinks or something...
Next week is the Øya festival. More info later.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

KGB Jazz

Spendt the week at the Kongsberg Jazz Festival. I saw alot of good shows including Original Silence (picture above by stein hofve)
Original Silence (with Thurston Moore) will also play the Øya Festival in August. Good times.
Pictures and video from kgb soon. Next stop: Paris.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's over...

Spasibar closed it's doors last night. A bunch of bands, no bartenders, and an open bar where you served yourself. People were encouraged to tare the place apart...and they did. The owners built a fire onstage at about 3am. 6 arrests and a firetruck later; it was all over. R.I.P.