The record will be called Unrealistic Tracks by Crash Normal.
The cover is by an Italian artist called Massimiliano Bomba
There will be 4 dirty punk rock tracks on it.
These were recorded in 2006-2007 when Crash Normal were a 3 piece.
These are not the songs I was originally gonna release, but these are still solid. The other songs will be spread out on a 10'' and a few other 7''s on other labels in the near future.
If you head on over to my million dollar myspace site, you can listen to the first track from the 7''; its called "cute".
There will only be 300 of these released so be quick or something...
Release date, price and info on ordering will be available soon. (Basically the 7'' will be available from the band and from me on myspace/paypal.)