Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Chinese Stars

The Chinese Stars are a band from Rhode Island formed from the ashes of Arab on Radar and Six Finger Satellite. I blame Six Finger Satellite for destroying part of my hearing at the Sub Pop Lame Fest in Seattle over a decade ago (Thanks!). I never got to see Arab on Radar, but caught The Chinese Stars at the Summerslam festival in Germany a few years back. (More on that festival another day)
They just put out a new record. This track is called "cold cold cold". From the record Listen To Your Left Brain, released on 31G Records/Skingraft.

As a bonus (because I love you so much) here is "sick machine" from Turbo Mattress which was just reissued on Skingraft. (not as a throwing star shaped cd this time, but worth picking up) www.skingraftrecords.com/mp3/LP_MP3/chinesestars_sick.MP3

Here they are in all their glory at The Summerslam Festival in 2004:

band info:

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