There will be no best of 2008 list, but everyone should own the Cheveu record that came out this year:
Maybe this Agaskodo Teliverek video for blood club is the best of 08? I haven't been paying attention. The video is good though:
Welcome to Compost Modern Art. A music blog where I try to be funny, clever, sarcastic and fail miserably. Used to be a record label: www.myspace.com/compostmodernart
Maybe this Agaskodo Teliverek video for blood club is the best of 08? I haven't been paying attention. The video is good though:
The new Next Life record is called The Lost Age and is out January 5th on Fysisk Format. Purchase the record here.
Anyway, this is worth checking out. Here are two tracks from their latest album Black Forest (tra la la) out on Science Of Sound Records.
Pale Young Gentlemen - I Wasn't Worried (Rapidshare)
Pale Young Gentlemen - The Crook Of My Good Arm
To hear more you can stream their two albums on their website :
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