Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pale Young Gentlemen

Ok, so I'm not just into noisy punk, I also like pretty indie rock type stuff. Got an email from Pale Young Gentlemen. They are a 5 piece from Wisconsin. At times like Clap your hands, Arcade Fire, and Black Heart Procession all rolled into one. Yet the singing is much better, there is'nt a freak folk vibe and its not so depressing. (Nothing against those 3 bands) This is solid songwriting heavy on the strings. Sometime I feel like they should just rock hard as the song builds, but it quietly rolls along until it ends...which is really just as good. Maybe they are louder onstage...couldn't guess it from this band photo though:

Anyway, this is worth checking out. Here are two tracks from their latest album Black Forest (tra la la) out on Science Of Sound Records.


Pale Young Gentlemen - I Wasn't Worried (Rapidshare)

Pale Young Gentlemen - The Crook Of My Good Arm

To hear more you can stream their two albums on their website :

Visit PYG



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