Monday, June 4, 2007


I'm turning 30 June 5th. The only thing positive about it is the new Shellac record comes out. It's called Excellent Italian Greyhound. I don't' feel like stealing an mp3 from it (you know where to find it anyhow). I will however post one from the previous record 1000 Hurts: "Watch Song". Hint: buy that one and the new record on vinyl; and you will get a free copy of the cd in the box. They did it for 1000 Hurts....maybe in the new one too, but don't take my word for it.
Here is some new video posted from the Touch and Go 25th Anniversary party: The Steve and David Show (keep an eye out for David Yow)

Speaking of David Yow, and other things that are coming out June 5th. There is a great dvd of The Jesus Lizard live performances. This band was insane live. Possibly because David Yow was wasted and generally out of his mind when onstage:

Not posting this as a joke. If this is you, get help.
Get the dvd ">here.

Stay tuned for more fun if I make it through tomorrow.

PS. send me money or whatever I've been begging for in previous posts.

1 comment:

jonole said...

Happy birthday!!